Blackjack provides front line compliance & customer service staff to inform passengers of the DfT regulations relating to liquids & other prohibited items. Blackjack staff ensures the correct disposal of non-compliant items and minimise the impact of the regulations on the passenger enjoyment of flying through Heathrow & Gatwick.

Flexibility of Resource: Blackjack work with BAA operations, planning & passenger forecasting departments to adjust our staffing levels between the specified High/Medium & Low (LGW) or Red/Amber/Green (LHR) levels in order to match our staffing to the demands of the BAA. We are also frequently asked to respond to last minute staffing support often with less than 24hrs notice (e.g. recent severe weather in Feb 09)

Reporting: Monthly dashboard presented to the Compliance Contract Manager which details our coverage (split out as % per week), CQM scores, accident & incident reporting and response to requests for uplift in our staffing levels.

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