O2 Travel – Airport Lounge Project
Location: Airside at Gatwick, Stansted and Manchester Airports.
Objectives: In order to promote their European internet charges, O2 wanted to target passengers at selected airports to inform exiting and potential customers that using the internet abroad is not only inexpensive, it’s also uncomplicated.
Activity: Distribution centred around a removable stand of branded suitcases and was supported at Stansted with a floor vinyl advertisement. Staff distributed literature which communicated the benefits of the O2 Travel internet charges to passengers travelling through the departure lounge and where possible, approaching seated passengers to explain more. The staff members’ approach included recommending apps for their smart phone which would be useful when travelling abroad such as Trip advisor and Instagram.
Blackjack worked in partnership with PD3, staffing 82 shifts during the activity, organising logistics, providing on-site project supervision and producing daily/weekly feedback.
Activity duration by location:
Stansted – 25 live days, Gatwick 10 live days and Manchester – 5 live days
Shift Patterns:
Location dependent shift patterns were devised based on known footfall figures. Shift duration = 8 hours.
Distribution Figures: 25,000+ leaflets
Travel Apps: 50 Downloaded
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